Friday, March 12, 2010

I never knew . . . .


. . . that someone so small could have such a huge piece of my heart.

We welcomed Emma Grace into our family on November 28th, 2009. She is the most incredible little girl. I know every Mom is biased, but I have to say that I think she is the prettiest little girl in the world!

Becoming a Mom has taught me things about myself and my faith that I never knew were there. I now understand unconditional love. There are days when she pushes me to the end of my rope, but yet I never stop loving her. I have never had less sleep in my life yet at the same time still been able to function. The moment I held her I knew that I loved her and would lay my life down for her. I would give anything to see her have everything she needs.

God is so good! We don't deserve the wonderful blessing, and yet God still gave us this beautiful, wonderful, healthy and happy little girl. She is a total picture to me of God's grace!
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