Monday, January 26, 2009

Counting My Blessings

I listened to a pod cast from Walk in the Word today by James McDonald titled Grace When I am Disappointed. I recommend you look it up. I listened to it at my husbands urging. It talks about how we get ourselves into and out of depression. I won't spoil it, trust me listen to it!!

One of the things that it talks about it how when we are depressed we focus on the negatives, but one of the things we can do to counter that is to think and focus on the positives. I am writing this more for myself than anyone else. But maybe through this you to will be able to count your blessings as well!

My Blessings:

-Assurance of Salvation -A place in heaven -Forgiveness -Purpose -Hope -Provision -Comfort -Life itself -Shelter -Food -My Hubby -My family -Ability to work -Guidance -Friends - Understanding -Wisdom -My church family -Tea -Chocolate -Love -Hugs -Long conversations -Honesty -Trust -Company -Faith -Good Books -My husband's gentle and giving spirit -My In Laws -My new sisters -Sunshine -Snow -Having a safe van to get to work -My health -A comfortable bed -Creative outlets -The ability to read and write -Entertainment -Information -The ability to learn -Music -Dancing -Joy -Intimacy -Comfortable clothes -Art -My cats -Beauty in nature -That I am fearfully and wonderfully made

That is only scratching the surface!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Krissy - actually found your blog the other day - You Rock In Christ - I know a few people who suffer as you do - Your blog is an encouragment - You are an encouragement - I have passed your blog onto some Christian buddies and know that they will be encouraged with your words of encouragement...because they too suffer from the negative - I really appreciated your CHOICE to turn the negative thougts to positive ones IN CHRIST - Loved your pics - Thanks for being honest - you have so much to share. Hope this helps - (others will have more practical help) The strongman over depression is called THE SPIRIT OF HEAVINESS - bind that and call forth or loose a GARMENT OF PRAISE - see Isaiah - I love you daughter - do not have my blog on spot but go to google and put in tdotblogger into google and select comment and somehow we will connect. Your are loved
