Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Battle

Some of you reading this may know that I suffer from depression. To others this will come as a huge surprise. I am normally an energetic, happy and social person, but there is a side to me that i rarely show to anyone. This is the side of me that is usually hidden behind a mask.

I have battled with depression for about seven years now, it comes and it goes. I have been told that I have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SADs) and when I look back over the pattern of my depression, it seems to make sense.

There are days that I don't even recognize myself. I can't get out of bed, I don't want to talk to anyone and the world feels like it is closing in around me. The past few weeks this has been building up inside of me and I don't even know what to do with myself some days. I carry a lot of guilt because of my depression. I am a Christian, I shouldn't be depressed. That is a lie that has dug me into some very deep holes. I have learned just because I am a Christian, I am not immune to depression, but my faith has helped me to handle it more effectively. But there are times that I just can't seem to "snap out of it" as many people will tell you to do.

Depression makes me feel isolated, worthless and broken. These are all things that I know I am not, but when The Monster that depression is, starts telling me these things, it is hard to not be consumed by it. I try hard to keep pressing on, but days like today, I just want to shut out the world, and be left alone to my misery.

One of the things I do when I am at a low is I push people away. People who want to help but feel helpless when up against My Monster. My husband is one of these. I know that he loves me and it tears him up knowing that I am feeling the way I am, and I wish sometimes I could just turn it off, but I can't. I don't know how to, I wish I did.

I get so angry sometimes, I just want to hit things and destruct something, but at the same time, I have no motivation to do it nor clean up the mess that it would inevitably make. I have a temper, but rarely do I let it out, instead when I get angry I cry. I feel like I spend half my time with red eyes and tissues in hand.

I have been on a lot of different medications for depression, but I have found that they don't help me. I can't feel emotions that are appropriate to feel and I end up walking around like a zombie. One of my biggest problems is lack of sleep. Hence why it is midnight and i am currently writing this. I want to sleep, I am tired and I have a very comfortable bed, but my mind won't calm down long enough for me to fall asleep. I have spent many nights sitting on the couch in the dark or surfing the internet or just wandering my apartment. I average about 3-4 hours of sleep a night and I know that is not helping.

I know my performance at work is suffering because of this, but I am ashamed to talk to anyone at work about it. And I feel guilt about having depression. I work in home health care, and I see people in a lot worse circumstances than I everyday, and here I am with relatively good health, a job and family and feeling like crap.

Right now I am feeling defeated. I have so many things to do, but I can't seem to get motivated to do a single one. I don't have much interest for my hobbies, I feel cold and achy and get headaches almost every day. I also worry a lot. I worry about money, my health, my family, my job, my marriage and many other small things that don't even warrant my mentioning, but they almost paralyze me. For example: We are tight for money right now, but we have food in the cupboards, I worry that if I eat what is there, there won't be anything left and I won't have the money to buy more. It's not necessarily true, but all I can focus on is the negatives. I try to think like "there is food in the cupboard, we will be ok. We could ask for help if needed." But all I can see is the bleakness in my situation.

I was thinking today that if I won the lottery that everything would suddenly be ok, and all my problems would go away. But I know that is not the case, it would just mean that my problems would change.

I think one of the hardest things for me to to ask for help when I feel like this. I have started to, but it takes a lot out of me to ask. I am seeing a councelor currently and it is helping a bit, but I still can't seem to get my motivation back. My Christmas tree is still up and my apartment is a disaster. I am not sure how to ask for help with that without making myself feel like a failure. I am a grown, able bodied adult I should be able to look after my own living space, but instead I have days where I can hardly get dressed.

Once I get on the cycle of depression, it feels almost impossible to break. Right now I am just hoping that is breaks soon before I do.

Every morning I get up, make myself get dressed,put on a mask to go to work. That takes all of the energy that I have to get hrough 6 hours of work. I get home and I am so exhausted I can hardly stand. That is when I either park my butt on the computer or have a nap. It's a vicious cycle and I need it to break. I keep praying, and trusting that this time will pass.

Well now that I have hopefully emptied my brain I might be able to sleep.


  1. *hugs* This is a tough time of year for anyone and even more so for someone who's dealt (and continutes to deal with)depression.

    I read in 24 Hours (Toronto) that this past Monday was called "Blue Monday". There's a UK Psychologist (Dr. Cliff Arnall) who calculated the date by using a formula that factors in the impact of debt, weather, broken New Year's resolutions and motivation.

    The article goes on to say that it's important to enjoy the little things and that even if something can make you happy for 15 to 20 minutes a day it can counteract hours and hours of negative feelings and energy.

    I know it can seem like a whole load of "talk", but keep your chin up and try to think about some things that motivate you and bring joy to your life. :)

  2. I was doing a search in the blogs under 'depression' and found your site. I am also suffering from the depression and in the group therapy. I have been feeling pretty good for last month or so. I think I am recovering from the depression. I am posting my journal and progress. Please come visit my site (journeyfromdepression.blogspot.com) if you are interested in fellow companion in suffering.
